mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010


I just returned from my first ever Meeting of Styles and first ever trip to Venice - a great combo. I knew Venice had canals but hadn’t really understood that there were no motorized vehicles whatsoever, not even motor scooters. So I was surprised when it turned out that we had to arrive by boat. Venice lived up to its reputation as a spectacularly beautiful city and Meeting of Styles lived up to its name as writers from all over Italy and Europe, and from countries as diverse as Mexico and Bulgaria, painted walls in every conceivable style.

Urban-Code, a group of artists and activists, organized the 3-day event in a park frequented by skateboarders and BMXers in Mestre, just outside Venice. It took a massive amount of planning to pull it off—procuring and distributing paint, priming and assigning walls, printing and pasting up publicity posters. Unfortunately I had to return to New York a day early so wasn’t able to see many of the walls finished but I did see an amazing amount of super high quality work in progress. Heartfelt thanx to Urban-Code for inviting me!

Martha Cooper


Martha Cooper, nata a Baltimora negli anni 40, è il faro che guida la mano di writers, fotografi e street artists in generale. Dopo aver documentato la scena newyorkese negli anni 70 diventa una leggenda assoluta, pubblicando molteplici collezioni tra cui Subway Art, R.I.P.: New York Spraycan Memorials, Hip Hop Files: Photographs 1979-1984, Street Play, We B*Girlz, New York State of Mind e Going Postal.
Farsi fotografare da LEI è come fare una partita a golf con Dio: un privilegio per pochi.

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